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Proposed Administrative Regulations

KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:115This administrative regulation establishes parameters of psychological testing.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Definition of psychological testing11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:115 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:115 RIA 
201 KAR 26:115 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:125This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for granting of health service provider designation.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Health service provider designation.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:125 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:125 RIA 
201 KAR 26:125 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:130This administrative regulation is established to protect and safeguard the health and safety of the citizens of Kentucky and to provide procedures for filing, evaluating, and disposing of administrative complaints asserted against credential holders or applicants for licenses.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Grievances and administrative complaints.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:130 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:130 RIA 
201 KAR 26:130 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:155This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for applicants for licensure, and the conditions for a temporary license.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Licensed psychologist: application procedures and temporary license.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:155 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:155 RIA 
Application for Licensure as a Psychologist - MARKUP 
201 KAR 26:155 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:160This administrative regulation establishes the application and renewal fees for credential holders.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Fee schedule.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:160 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:160 RIA 
201 KAR 26:160 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:175This administrative regulation establishes the continuing education requirements for renewal of a license.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Continuing education.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:175 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:175 RIA 
Continuing Education Program Application - MARKUP. 
201 KAR 26:175 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:175EEmergency regulation for continuing education
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Continuing Education9/30/2022sara.janes@ky.govNEW Admin Reg 201 KAR 26-175E 
Regulatory Statements 201 KAR 26-175E-3 
Meeting Notice 201 KAR 26-175E-2 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:185This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for granting a licensed to an applicant who is licensed in another state that does not have an agreement of reciprocity with this board.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Requirements for granting licensure as a psychologist to an applicant licensed in another state.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:185 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:185 RIA 
Application for Licensure of a Psychologist Licensed in Another - MARK UP 
201 KAR 26:185 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:190This administrative regulation establishes requirements for supervised professional experience.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Requirements for supervised professional experience.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:190 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:190 RIA 
201 KAR 26:190 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:215This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for registering in Kentucky as a nonresident psychologist.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Nonresident status.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:215 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:215 RIA 
Nonresident Psychologist Registration - MARKUP. 
201 KAR 26:215 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:225This administrative regulation establishes the renewal and reinstatement processes.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Renewal and reinstatement.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:225 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:225 RIA 
Renewal Application - MARKUP 
201 KAR 26:225 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:225EEmergency regulation for renewal and reinstatement
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Renewal and reinstatement9/30/2022sara.janes@ky.govNEW Admin Reg 201KAR26-225E 
Regulatory Statements 201 KAR 26-225E-3 
Meeting Notice 201 KAR 26-225E-2 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:230This administrative regulation establishes the examination and application requirements.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Examinations and applications.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:230 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:230 RIA 
201 KAR 26:230 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:250This administrative regulation establishes the requirements for the employments of a licensed psychological associate, a temporarily licensed psychological associate, or a temporarily licensed psychologist.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Employment of a psychological associate, a temporarily licensed psychological associate, or a temporarily licensed psychologist.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:250 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:250 RIA 
201 KAR 26:250 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:270This administrative regulation establishes procedures to enable license holders to change their license status.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Change of license status.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:270 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:270 RIA 
201 KAR 26:270 Hearing Notice 
KAR #Summary
201 KAR 26:310This administrative regulation protects the health and safety of the citizens of Kentucky and establishes procedures for preventing abuse and fraud through the use of telehealth, prevents fee-splitting through the use of telehealth, and utilizes telehealth in the provision of psychological services and in the provision of continuing education.
KAR TitleFiling DateEmailProposed Administrative RegulationRegulatory Impact StatementAmended MIRPublic Comment Meeting Notice
Telehealth and telepsychology.11/12/2021KevinR.Winstead@ky.gov201 KAR 26:310 Regulation 
201 KAR 26:310 RIA 
201 KAR 26:310 Hearing Notice